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श्री गंगा जी की आरती Shri Ganga Ji Ki Aarti

It is believed that King Bali was the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu. King Bali was very powerful and once he challenged King of Indra for the battle. Seeing the great army and feat of King Bali, Indra deity became very distraught

Thinking of this, Indra Devata went to Lord Vishnu to seek help. Then Lord Vishnu took the form of a Vaman Brahmin. At that time, King Bali was sacrificing a sacrifice for the prosperity of his kingdom. Lord Vishnu reached the place of Vaman Brahmin and sacrificed his life. However, King Bali knew that Lord Vishnu came to my door in the way of Vaman, but sacrifice did not allow any Brahmin to go empty-handed from his door and he was also the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu. Raja Sagar was one of them. At that time, Maharaja used to offer Ashwamedh Yajna to increase his social status. There was a horse left in it and the state that passed through the horse went through to the king who performed the Ashwamedh Yagya, and someone caught the horse in the middle and had to fight with the king who sacrificed his horse.

Once King Sagar sacrificed huge Ashwamedh and left the horse of Ashwamedh. King Indra was afraid that if Ashwamedh Horse came to heaven then the King Sagar would be captured on the heaven and it is not possible to fight the King Sagar.

With this thought, Indra disguised and turned the horse and quietly tied it to Kapil Muni's ashram. Kapil Muni was in meditation at that time. When Raja Sagar came to know that his horse horse was stopped by anyone, he sent his sixty thousand sons in anger, who stopped the horse.

After finding a lot of time, the sons of King Sagar saw the horse in the ashram of Kapil Muni and they entered the ashram to fight. Upon hearing the stir in the ashram, the eyes of Kapil Muni opened, then King Sagar's son started falsely accusing him of stopping a horse. Angry by this, Kapil Muni had consumed all the sons of Raja Sagar by fire. Now all the sixty thousand of sons started wandering in the Pret Yoni and their soul could not find peace.

After many generations Raja Bhagirath was born in Raghuqul. He pledged that he would bring peace to his ancestors 'peace and that was possible only when the ancestors' bones were purified with the water of the Ganges.

Raja Bhagirath has done austerity meditation of Lord Vishnu. After several years of penance, when Lord Vishnu appeared to King Bhagirath, Bhagirath prayed to bring Ganga on earth to heaven. But there was a problem that the speed of the Ganga was so much that if the Ganga came down from heaven with its velocity, the earth would fall into the ocean and storm would come all around.

Then Lord Vishnu prayed to Shiva that he should bind the Ganga in his jata and subdue it, otherwise the earth will be destroyed. Then, when the Ganga came out on the earth with its brim, then there was a terrible roar, the cloud burst all around like a storm. Then Lord Shiva built the Ganga in his neck and let him go on the earth as a thin edge from his neck. Thus, the Ganga descended on the earth and is also called Bhagirathi.
गंगा जी की आरती

ॐ जय गंगे माता, श्री गंगे माता |

जो नर तुमको ध्यावता, मनवंछित फल पाता |

चन्द्र सी ज्योत तुम्हारी जल निर्मल आता |

शरण पड़े जो तेरी, सो नर तर जाता |

पुत्र सगर के तारे सब जग को ज्ञाता |

कृपा दृष्टि तुम्हारी, त्रिभुवन सुख दाता |

एक ही बार भी जो नर तेरी शरणगति आता |

यम की त्रास मिटा कर, परम गति पाता |

आरती मात तुम्हारी जो जन नित्य गाता |

दास वही जो सहज में मुक्ति को पाता |

ओउम जय गंगे माता |

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